Pangu 9

Pangu 9.1 Jailbreak iOS 9.1 Cydia Download Status

Are you looking for about jailbreak iOS 9.1 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch? Now, latest version iOS 9.1 has been launched. We suppose the better idea of despite the till its unjailbreakable. It’s reveal that Apple patched up the iOS 9.1 Cydia Download exploits in iOS 9.1 that indicates iOS 9.1 Jailbreak is not possible at this moment.

In fact, Pangu is trying to get maximum advantage through this version which iOS 9.1 Jailbreak. Its possibly release in near future. The current version of iOS 9.1 does not provide jailbreak option for iOS 9.1 Cydia download.

The launched of iOS 9 is happen correspondent the apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. It was also released last month and then releases iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s plus. The miracle is Pangu iOS 9 jailbreak released quickly with iOS 9 update. It was fastest Jailbreak released ever because that provided whole new version if iOS together. World renowned and most popular Chinese Pangu 9 team has been released iOS 9.0.2 - iOS 9 Jailbreak for whole customer’s relative with iDevices.

The iOS 9.1 or 9.2 jailbreak is not 100% sure at this moment. Because it seems it is only that jailbreak version but it is not handy that don’t yet work with the Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak.